Unable to open Slicer package on Mac

I downloaded today’s nightly package, but when I click on the .dmg file, nothing happens - the volume is not mounted.

I searched around, and the only reason I can see is that download was corrupted in the process. I computed the checksum, and it matches 7b265f06b75b83e763f5e25537fc0a8a listed on http://slicer.kitware.com/midas3/api/rest?method=midas.bitstream.download&name=Slicer-4.7.0-2017-08-22-macosx-amd64.dmg&checksum=7b265f06b75b83e763f5e25537fc0a8a.

Anyone has any hints what could be causing this, or how to debug this issue?

Anyone experienced a similar problem on mac?