Changes to the Markups Module

There is currently quite a bit of problem with right-click context menus (e.g., MarkupEditor plugin doesn’t work yet with the new markups changes), and we will eventually provide keyboard shortcuts for these actions in SlicerMorph. Shortcuts in core is a bit more problematic as it is really to hard to come by with keyboard shortcuts that (1) everyone agrees on how it works, (2) not assigned to something else before, (3) and it doesn’t require you use four of your fingers to create the shortcut (alt+ctrl+shift+P).

Yeah, that’s exactly the problem of fcsv format. it is not possible to grow it with new features. So with the new stable release I think we (as in SlicerMorph) will probably expect everyone to switch to Json. There is a json parser in SlicerMorphR package (GitHub - SlicerMorph/SlicerMorphR: R convenience functions for importing SlicerMorph dataset), but I have not had time to try with the updates to markups. If you can try and let us know, it will be great.