Thank you all of that! @issakomi I have found that my issue was the Rescale Type (0028, 1054) is it set to US when it should be set to HU. I have found that the dcmodify tool works best for this from the DCMTK toolkit. Do you know how i can use the dcmodify tool in Slicer?
IMHO, re-scale slope/intercept 1/0 and Unspecified type (US) was correct, Slicer could not know what kind of data was in VTK file. Anyway good if it worked. AFAIK, dcmodify is not packaged with Slicer.
I think both dcmodify and pydicom are bundled with Slicer, but pydicom should be easier to use.
I can easily fix any issue in the exporter if I can confirm that it creates invalid output. I’ll check rescale type.
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