ExtensionWizard not uploading my extension

@moselhy You can find it in the build tree. For example:

$ git clone https://github.com/moselhy/SequenceRegistration
$ mkdir SequenceRegistration-build
$ cd SequenceRegistration-build/
$ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING=Release -DSlicer_DIR:PATH=/home/jcfr/Projects/Slicer-2-build/Slicer-build/ ../SequenceRegistration

$ make -j6
-- Configuring Scripted module: Elastix4D
-- Extension description has been written to: /tmp/SequenceRegistration-build/SequenceRegistration.s4ext   <------------
-- Build files have been written to: /tmp/SequenceRegistration-build

$ pwd

$ ls *.s4ext

You should also see the following message reported when configuring:

Extension description has been written to: /tmp/SequenceRegistration-build/SequenceRegistration.s4ext

Content of the generated file:

$ cat SequenceRegistration.s4ext
# This is source code manager (i.e. svn)
scm git
scmurl https://github.com/moselhy/SequenceRegistration
scmrevision 39fe467

# list dependencies
# - These should be names of other modules that have .s4ext files
# - The dependencies will be built first
depends Sequence SlicerElastix

# Inner build directory (default is ".")
build_subdirectory .

# homepage
homepage https://github.com/moselhy/SequenceRegistration

# Firstname1 Lastname1 ([SubOrg1, ]Org1), Firstname2 Lastname2 ([SubOrg2, ]Org2)
# For example: Jane Roe (Superware), John Doe (Lab1, Nowhere), Joe Bloggs (Noware)
contributors Mohamed Moselhy (Western University), Andras Lasso (PerkLab, Queen's University)

# Match category in the xml description of the module (where it shows up in Modules menu)
category Registration

# url to icon (png, size 128x128 pixels)
iconurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/moselhy/SequenceRegistration/master/Elastix4D/Resources/Icons/Elastix4D.png

# Give people an idea what to expect from this code
#  - Is it just a test or something you stand behind?

# One line stating what the module does
description This will register a multi-volume sequence using Elastix.

# Space separated list of urls
screenshoturls https://raw.githubusercontent.com/moselhy/SequenceRegistration/master/screenshot.png

# 0 or 1: Define if the extension should be enabled after its installation.
enabled 1
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