Use the latest Slicer Preview Release, as DICOM import speed is greatly improved.
If you get scans one by one then you can import them one by one (by drag-and-dropping to the application window), loading them using DICOM browser, then save them as .nrrd.
If you have hundreds of files already then you can write a short Python script that iterates through all your data. You can use tools or scripts described in the topic that you referred above, or you can use a use/customize a simple script like this:
dicomDataDir = 'c:/tmp/inputDicomFiles'
outputDir = 'c:/tmp/outputNrrdFiles'
import DICOMLib
import re
dicomFiles = slicer.util.getFilesInDirectory(dicomDataDir)
loadablesByPlugin, loadEnabled = DICOMLib.getLoadablesFromFileLists([dicomFiles])
loadedNodeIDs = DICOMLib.loadLoadables(loadablesByPlugin)
for loadedNodeID in loadedNodeIDs:
node = slicer.mrmlScene.GetNodeByID(loadedNodeID)
safeFileName = re.sub(r'(?u)[^-\w.]', '', node.GetName().strip().replace(' ', '_'))
slicer.util.saveNode(node, '{0}/{1}.nrrd'.format(outputDir, safeFileName))