Multiple partial volumes reconstruction

Is there a way to automatically add a warning of some kind to CLI modules if a user tries to select a transformed node as an input? It is not always obvious to end users that a module they select is a CLI module behind the scenes, and even if they did know, it is not obvious that soft transforms are ignored for these modules. I’ve unexpectedly run into that multiple times over the years before I learned to check for it (so much so that, as you can see above, I assumed that it might be a Slicer convention for basic modules!). I understand that adding machinery to automatically force CLI to respect soft transforms (by clone/hardening before passing inputs to CLI) would be a backwards-incompatible change (though I personally don’t see where it would be a problem), simply adding a warning to let users know that soft transforms will be ignored shouldn’t break anyone’s workflow and would be very helpful to most users.

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