Raystation-like brush for contours

I tested the Color Smudge option on another scan with a xy resolution of 0.9mm and the feature worked as advertised. So I see why you call it an edge case.

The CT I have used is actually paired with a PET scan, which in general have low resolution. So the clinicians are aware of the low resolution. But I think the issue is with getting them to use tools (in this case 3D Slicer) which do not conform with their daily clinical experience.

Of course, as a researcher, 3D Slicer suits my purpose, since I can extend it with deep learning based auto-contouring extensions. But I also do not wish to add a learning curve for clinicians, as that can be an additional factor affecting my experiments.

I agree with you, but with a slight modification. I believe labelmaps are better for storing 3D shapes (as they then align with the same discretization of the scan they are associated with). However, visualization/editing is just more pleasing with their smoothed versions (i.e., contour points). I guess this where I fundamentally disagree with the approach taken by slicer in the Segment Editor extension. Looks like similar concerns have been raised on this forum before (1, 2). Nevertheless, I am still an advocate of slicer at my lab and really find the tool very convenient to use for exploring 3D data.

This is indeed a simple solution to my issue. I tried doing this and was able to edit existing masks with a higher resolution. However, I was unable to create additional masks on other slices. Even when I switch off the “Color Smudge” option. Is this an error or am I incorrectly using this? Please see the video below.

Finally, thank for explaining your design reasons. Its been interesting to get the inside scoop on what motivated the features of these tools.