Show/hide segment surface in 3D view

I like this idea.

True, validity could be handled on a per-segment basis. Unfortunately this would be a considerable implementation task, as representations are currently handled per-segmentation, and this change would require moving all the master representation and conversion related logic to the vtkSegment level. Imagine the segments and representations the rows and columns of a table. Now we can only remove whole rows or columns, but after this change we could remove individual cells. It’s a major change in the code, especially considering all testing and bugfixing etc.
A relatively easy way I see to support this is a specialized segment editor, where you have your atlas, and you edit one segment at a time. So basically we would have two segmentations: the atlas, and the edited segment only.

We tried and found the same. We’ll investigate, as there should be no delay in simply showing a segment in 3D.

Summarizing the definite actionables so far:

  • Rename Create surface button (“Show 3D” ?)
  • Investigate slow show/hide of only the surface representation
  • Add button to Segment Editor to switch to Segmentations. Its name TBD. The tooltip should mention visibility options, import/export, conversion parameters. Maybe long-click for quick export?
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