STL models comparison

First of all, I recommend using a recent preview version, because 4.10.2 is very old, and we’re approaching 5.0 so the previews are quite stable, and contain many improvements since 4.10.2.

I think to compare models, especially if you have the corresponding volumetric images (the T1 and T2 MRIs), the best is if you convert the models to segmentations, and use the Segment Comparison module. This is a generic answer to a generic question, so if you describe your needs in more detail, then we can help you better.

A few things that would help a lot:

  • Where do these STLs coming from? If they are segmentations, then you could do the segmentations in Slicer where we have great tools now for that, so you don’t need to convert-export-import-convert (resulting in data loss)
  • Are the data spatially registered? Do you need to register them after importing in Slicer?