(Csaba Pinter)
March 25, 2021, 8:47am
For very complex geometries, the triangulation to closed surface model sometimes fails. In these cases you can use the alternative “ribbon” models. There is a good description here:
This is expected - you only see the contour in-plane if it is exactly in the slice view’s plane. This is exact match may be hard to achieve, that is why we added the ribbon representation, which is much better visible in slice views.
Planar contours:
Ribbon model:
These features are somewhat hidden, but both planar contours and ribbon model are useful mainly for diagnostic purposes (when closed surface representation does not look good then you can check the original data…
also here
The ribbon method yields a segment that looks nicer and that allows labelmaps to be created. The segment’s volume was calculated to be 0.209cc, which is about half of what you said it is in MIM. This makes complete sense if we consider interpolation (i.e. the aforementioned end-capping, which is performed in this scenario as well), instead of the raw ribbon method.
I had to do one fix in the ribbon converter as well. It required at least two cells in the polydata, but I don’t know why so I decr…
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