Slicer DICOM Scalar volume plugin relies on (old) GDCM: why do we not use DCMTK?

For what it’s worth:

  • this branch replaces GDCM with DCMTK image IO: - feel free to test any “corner cases”
  • the build of the branch above works fine, and I can load the DCE series from ERROR with DCE MRI loading in DICOM Browser without problems
  • almost all of the tests are passing when I tested on linux (from the list below, most of the failing tests failed because I killed Slicer app manually, as the test was running for very long time, often without any indication of what it was doing, some of them keep doing something or showed non-responsive app window after 10 minutes and up)

The following tests FAILED:
440 - py_StandaloneEditorWidgetTest (Failed)
601 - py_AtlasTests (Failed)
615 - py_RSNAVisTutorial (Failed)
616 - py_RSNAQuantTutorial (Failed)
622 - py_RSNA2012ProstateDemo (Failed)
623 - py_JRC2013Vis (Failed)
640 - py_LandmarkRegistration (Failed)
Errors while running CTest