2024.11.26 Weekly Meeting

Tomorrow, we will be having our next weekly hangout at 11:00 AM ET until 12:00 PM ET, AFTER the Project Week Prep Call. We will be reusing the same link from the Project Week call.

Anyone is welcome to join at this link: Launch Meeting - Zoom


Please post to this thread to put a topic on the agenda! We will try to prioritize agenda items during the meeting.

Sam and J-Christophe

I could build geogram and its mesh boolean operations appears to work more robustly than vtkbool’s one (from Sandbox’s extension CombineModels). It worked successfully for me with a few meshes that failed with vtkbool’s implementation (other examples).

I’m trying to build geogram’s boolean operations into Sandbox extension, as far as I understand the best way would be a CLI module. I got stuck configuring the CMakeLists.txt. I’d like to ask for some guidance on this on tomorrow’s call.

Another caveat is that geogram’s boolean operations work with .ply files but I think I could configure that on the CLI module’s .xml file without problems

I’d like to ask about download speeds from download.slicer.org. Testing on a Jetstream2 instance that typically has great network speeds I’m seeing times like this:

From my machine at home the same file takes about 20 seconds. I’m curious what could explain that.

It is great if you can reproduce this! We got similar complaints a few times but the users who reported could never do a thorough investigation.

Maybe it is due to girder not implementing some less frequently used HTTP GET features correctly. For example, girder does not implement file chunk download correctly (therefore resuming an interrupted download results in a corrupted file).

It could be interesting to see if download speed depends on time of day, depends on what software you use, and it could be interesting to have a look at the HTTP GET request to see if there is anything different from the browser in that jetstream2 instance compared to the browser on your computer.

If geogram Boolean mesh operations are robust that’s amazing news, because the toolkit has permissive license, so it is not problem to use it Slicer.

As a short-term solution, you can vendorize the library (copy source code into Sandbox), but it is slightly nicer if you can build it as a CMake ExternalProject. If the code proves to work well then it would make sense to add a VTK remote module for it.

The .ply extension is not a problem at all, you can specify what extension you support in the .xml file (see example here).

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I download Slicer on to fresh Jetstream instances quite frequently so I’m pretty sure this is easy to reproduce. Let’s think of a test suite we can use from multiple sites (e.g. wget, curl, browser) to start collecting data.

Meeting Notes


Curved Planar Reformation (CPR)

  • Related Issue: Slicer Issue #7179.
  • VTK Support for CPR:
  • “Coordinate ID” Concept:
    • Proposed adding a FrameOfReferenceID (or CoordinateSystemID) to vtkMRMLAbstractViewNode to filter whether a node can be displayed in a specific view.
    • If specified, the view will display only MRML data nodes with a matching FrameOfReferenceID.


  • Discussed integrating GeoGram as an external project.

Extensions Requiring API Key

  • When an extension requires an API key for functionality, it will be categorized as either “tier 1” or “tier 2.”
  • This policy applies to the Neuropacs extension, which is being integrated through ExtensionsIndex PR #2096.

More information available here: Panoramic View: Making Panoramic View and Getting Slices from the Panoramic View - #12 by LucasGandel - Development - VTK

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This is interesting and timely. If you want to turn this into a service, JetStream2 folks just started hosting LLMs for inference. I don’t really know anything about it, but here is the link: Large Language Model Inference Service - Jetstream2 Documentation