2025.03.04 Weekly Meeting

Today, we will be having our next weekly hangout at 10:00 AM ET until 11:00 AM ET,

Anyone is welcome to join at this link: https://bit.ly/slicer-googlemeet-hosted-by-kitware


Please post to this thread to put a topic on the agenda! We will try to prioritize agenda items during the meeting.

Sam and J-Christophe

Iā€™m doublebooked today but will join later if I can.

Slicer 5.8

Review & Integrate

  • PR #8143 ā€“ Slice View Annotations: Adds support for configuring Slice view annotations.

  • PR #8148 ā€“ Curved Planar Reformation (CPR): Integrates CPR support into Slicer core.

  • PR #8293 ā€“ Exclude dependabot and pre-commit pull requests from changelog

Release Process