All module view doesn't fit on the screen

Here is a quick preview of a new work-in-progress module selector:

  • It can select a module using the same number of clicks as the the Ctrl/Cmd-F combobox (type characters, press arrow-down key N times, then press Enter to go to that module)
  • Built-in modules can be hidden, so it is easy to find modules installed by extensions
  • Module category is shown (e.g., Cleaner module is available in Surface models->Advanced category)
  • Developer information can be optionally displayed: module type (CLI, C++ loadable, scripted loadable), location, dependencies

It could be added as an “All modules” menu item (replacing the submenu by a popup) or replace the current Ctrl/Cmd-F combobox. Replacing the combobox would be probably better, to reduce redundancy (the combobox and this finder works very similarly) and to make the module finder easily accessible (single-click on the main interface, familiar shortcut).