Angle measurement range

I split the topic because I interpreted the same way it as you @muratmaga but I’ve read it again and realized that maybe @learn_shape refers to the C-arm angles?

Those angles are defined in DICOM. The primary positioner angle is indeed allowed to be in the +/-180deg range, while the secondary angle is always between +/-90deg. You can get the +/-180deg range if you switch to use atan2 in the script. The end result will be something like this:

    nx = viewNormal[0]  # R
    ny = viewNormal[1]  # A
    nz = viewNormal[2]  # S
    import math
    if abs(ny) > 1e-6:
      primaryAngleDeg = math.atan2(nx, -ny) * 180.0 / math.pi
    elif nx >= 0:
      primaryAngleDeg = 90.0
      primaryAngleDeg = -90.0
    secondaryAngleDeg = math.asin(nz) * 180.0 / math.pi
    return [primaryAngleDeg, secondaryAngleDeg]