Any publications related to colormap 'FreeSurferLabels' and algorithm of 'interpolate' checkbox?

I was wondering if any suggestion on finding publications related to colormap ‘FreeSurferLabels’?

Also I was wondering:

  1. what is the algorithm behind the checkbox (and toggle) ‘interpolate’ for displaying image (not the interpolate Resample Scalar Volume)?
    2 . And how is the interpolation resolution for the checkbox decided?


Hi -

1 - freesurfer labels are from:

2 - interpolation refers to trilinear interpolation when extracting a slice plane from the volume (for labelmaps interpolation leads to artifacts where the labels are mixed before lookup in the table)

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Thanks for your reply.
For question #1, I went to the webpage and didn’t find specific explanation of the description for this colormap ‘FreeSurferLabels’ used in slicer.


Can you provide more details about what you were looking for? The color table itself is just a mapping from numbers to colors - it only really makes sense if the numbers were generated by FreeSurfer.

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I am looking for the rational behind the number to color mapping.
I just found it this colormap worked well for my MRI images (not generated by free surfer).
Thus, I need some understanding and also justification of using this color map.


Maybe you can get some insight by reviewing the material and citations from the FreeSurfer wiki. The specific numbers and colors are an essentially arbitrary standard - maybe chosen to be easy to see by someone (maybe a neuroscientist who studied human vision?) who spent time picking, but as far as I know nothing more than that.

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