apply a deformable registration from a REG-DICOM file

the Transforms module is only capable of creating new volumes from a REG-DICOM import for registration done in Velocity or Eclipse but not for deformable registrations.
Could you help me?

If you install SlicerRT extension then you can load both DICOM Spatial Registration Object and Deformable Spatial Registration Object IODs. If you have any trouble loading registration objects using latest Slicer Preview Release and SlicerRT then please share a sample data set (preferably phantom data) and we can investigate.

I runned the Transforms module after installing the SlicerRT (slicer version
The BRAINS resample Image module was unable to create deformed new volumes, too

How could I upload anonymized files


You can upload files anywhere (dropbox, OneDrive, Google drive, etc) and post the link here. Thank you!

I’ve just uploaded the files to dropbox in order to share them with you


As far as I can tell, Slicer loads the deformable registration correctly. However, you don’t see any displacement because the displacement vector components are between -0.0505mm and 0.0245mm, which is about 20x smaller than a voxel. So, the displacements in this DICOM SRO deformable transformation information object (REG1.2.246.352.222.400.710025541.11064.1651650814.936.dcm) are practically all zeros. That’s why you don’t see any difference when you apply it to an image.