Automated Anatomical Landmarking


Is anyone aware of any extensions or tools that would allow a user to perform an automated anatomical landmarking workflow? Looking at options to train a model for 3D landmark registration of bony anatomical landmarks from lower limb CT’s, such as the epicondylar axis of the knee joint, center of rotation of the femoral head etc. Ideal goal would be to open a CT of a new patient, run the landmarker model and have it automatically generate point landmarks (markup points) for all the required anatomical points of interest in the trained model.

Wondering if someone has already done all the hard work here and there is an extension or tool already created for a similar purpose to this. I’ve tried searching the forums but not found much so far.
I understand that to train a model and get anywhere near decent results, we would need likely thousands of patients worth of data.

Open to any and all ideas and suggestions here


Have you tried the ALPACA/MALPACA module in SlicerMorph extension?

Thank you @muratmaga, I’m not sure why but I had completely overlooked ALPACA when looking at options. I think this will be adequate for my needs