Axial rotation for segmentation

I’m trying to flip a 180° segmentation around its Y axis. However, the transform module doesn’t seem to allow me to do this. Does anyone know what command I can use to flip my segment?
Thank you in advance.

Would you like to actually change the physical location of the segmentation (for example, to spatially align with another image or segmentation)? You can then apply a transform. Note that applying a simple transform for rotating a segmentation will not change the voxel data, just update the orientation in the image header.

If you just want to modify how the image appears in a slice view (flip/rotate) then you can use flip and rotate buttons in the Reformat module.

Well I try to flip arround the yellow segmentation so it aligns with the blue one.
Thank you for your quick answer!

by the way I try to do this with Python :slight_smile: