Bone Segmentation for MRI scans

Operating system: windows
Slicer version: 5.6.2
Expected behavior: creating 3D bone models from MR images
Actual behavior:
I want to create 3D bone models from MRI scans…I have MR images of the shoulder and knee region in DICOM format, but I couldnt make any segmentation of the humerus, tibia and femur bones with the “threshold” button as in CT and create an image in a three-dimensional window. How can I segment these bones in MR images? I would appreciate your help.

MR is not a good modality to visualize bones. They usually appear dark (since they don’t have a lot of water). For good visualization/segmentation of bones, you need CT scans.

I have seen articles where three-dimensional segmentation of bones was done with 3D Slicer from radial MR images and typical MR images. But I think special shooting is required for this. I wondered if it could be done with normal standard typical MR images in the 3D slicer program.

I have seen some articles suc as “Segmentation of the proximal femur in radial MR scans using a random forest classifier and deformable model registration”, “A 3D active model framework for segmentation of proximal femur in MR images” I wondered if it could be done with standard typical MR images in the 3D slicer program.

For your research, I would personally recommend obtaining CT scans for bones, which will yield a better threshold. It can be done ([]), but MRI is primarily for soft tissue and fluid analysis.