Building 3DSlicer from source using gcc 7.1

Hello everyone,

I am currently getting started on creating an extension for 3DSlicer.
As suggests, I have to build 3DSlicer from source to use C++ modules.

I am running Archlinux and I was following for instructions on the build process.

All prerequisites are installed with the following versions:
cmake 3.8.2,
git 2.14.1
svn 1.9.7
Qt 4.8.7 (including Qt Webkit)
gcc 7.1.1

After downloading the 3DSlicer sources (stable 4.6.2) and creating the super build directory,
cmake worked without errors using the argument -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING=Debug
When I run make (with multiple jobs) in the super build directory I get various compile errors and the build process fails. Using gcc 5.4 the build process ran longer, but stopped with compilation errors as well.

Am I missing something important here? Or is any gcc version > 4.4 simply not tested/supported. The dashboard seems to use this ancient version of gcc from 2010. Should I maybe use clang instead?

Thanks in advance,