Calling SurfaceToolBox Logic Programatically

Hello everyone,

I’ve been working on automating the cleaning of polygon models derived from segmentations and encountered a stumbling block. Specifically, I’m having trouble utilizing the logic from the SurfaceToolbox module within my script. To verify the functionality of my script, I directly integrated the logic portion of the SurfaceToolbox, after which everything worked as expected. This indicates that the rest of my script is operational.

However, when I attempt to call the SurfaceToolbox module’s logic in the same manner as I successfully do with other modules, it doesn’t seem to work. Here’s a snippet of how I’m trying to access the logic:

pythonCopy code

surfaceToolboxLogic = slicer.modules.surfacetoolbox.logic()

I’m curious if there’s a known issue or a particular nuance in accessing the logic of the SurfaceToolbox module that I might be missing. Has anyone else experienced similar issues or can provide insights into what might be going wrong?

Thank you in advance for your time and assistance. I’m looking forward to any suggestions or guidance you can offer.

Best regards,

Oshane O. Thomas

    def cleanAndRemeshModel(inputModelNode, desiredNumberOfTriangles):
        Cleans the input model node and applies remeshing to achieve a specific number of triangles.
        Automatically creates and returns an output model node based on the input model node.

            inputModelNode (vtkMRMLModelNode): The input model node to process.
            desiredNumberOfTriangles (int): The desired number of triangles in the remeshed model.

            vtkMRMLModelNode: The output model node containing the cleaned and remeshed model.
        if not inputModelNode:
            raise ValueError("An input model node must be provided")

        # Ensure the pyacvd package is installed for remeshing
        if not SurfaceToolboxLogic.installRemeshPrerequisites(force=True):
            raise ImportError("Required 'pyacvd' package could not be installed.")

        # Create a new model node for the output
        outputModelNode = slicer.vtkMRMLModelNode()
        outputModelNode.SetName(inputModelNode.GetName() + "_cleanedRemeshed")

        # Copy the display properties from the input model to the output model
        outputModelDisplay = slicer.vtkMRMLModelDisplayNode()
        if inputModelNode.GetDisplayNode():

        # Clean the input model"Cleaning the model...")

        surfaceToolboxLogic = slicer.modules.surfacetoolbox.logic()

        SurfaceToolboxLogic.clean(inputModelNode, outputModelNode)

        # Calculate the clusters value for the desired number of triangles.
        # The number of clusters (points) in pyacvd is roughly half the number of triangles desired.
        clusters = desiredNumberOfTriangles // 2

        # Apply remeshing"Remeshing the model to approximately {} triangles...".format(desiredNumberOfTriangles))
        SurfaceToolboxLogic.remesh(outputModelNode, outputModelNode, clusters=clusters)

        print("Model cleaning and remeshing completed.")

        return outputModelNode

For Python modules:

import SurfaceToolbox
surfaceToolboxLogic = SurfaceToolbox.SurfaceToolboxLogic()

N.B. - It’s written SurfaceToolbox and not SurfaceToolBox.