Can I switch tube to poind cloud?

I created a tube from two points, and I need show it in PLC as a pointCloud. Can I resample it as a pointcloud file(Just many points vtx coordinate). I exported cube as a ply but the file is still be a mesh model.

A surface mesh is a point cloud (with some additional information), so you don’t need to do any conversion create point cloud from a mesh.

What is PLC?

What is your overall goal?

The cube.ply(export from slicer) just contains top and button circle points, but no body points.
I donnot know vtk/slicer could fill the tube body with points.
What am I doing is following the picture:

It is not clear why this is a problem.

What is PLC?

What is your overall goal?

sorry the “plc” is pcl.
I need show the cube created from slicer in pcl

To get help with this, you need to be more specific about what point cloud do you need and why. The “why” (high-level goal) is important because it helps in understanding the task even if requirements are incomplete; and it ensures we solve the right problem.