Can segments be used as input regions in feature calculation?


I loaded DICOM-RT using DICOM module. When I turned to Data Module, the RT structure was shown as a segment. Can this segment used as input region in radiomics calculation? I am a little confused about that. RT-Struct are planar contour, it is not a volume. But when I use it to do the radiomics calculation, I get the same answer as I use the labelmap (I use the segmentation module to export the labelmap from segment) as input region. Many thanks.


Yes. Segmentation nodes dynamically convert between different representations (planar contour, binary labelmap, closed surface, etc.) as needed.

There are at least 2 extensions in Slicer that calculate radiomics features.

  • If you use the SlicerRadiomics extension, you can use Segmentation segments directly.
  • If you use HeterogeneityCAD extension, I think you will first need to convert segmentation into binary labelmap.
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Hi Andras,

Got it. Thank you.


Hi Andrey,

Thank you for your detailed suggestions. Really appreciated that. I actually have tried both of them. Quick questions, do CT images can also be used in heterogeneityCAD or this module can only use DCE-MRI images?


I’ve heard people using heterogeneityCAD for CT, but I have not developed that module, and I have not used it myself. @jayender should be able to give the authoritative answer.

Hi Andrey,

Thank you. I will go to his website and then read the related topics to see whether I can dig something.
