Cannot compile Slicer on Mac - macOS Sierra + clang 9 + cmake 3.9.1

Friday after noon ramblings on this issue:

Further experimentation yields that if SimpleITK is configured with the CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD flags must not be null for CMAKE. Therefor I presume Slicers Superbuild is explicitly setting the standard. ( Why not c++03?)

I would consider not passing these CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD flags for this problematic case to SimpleITK. When on OS X, and the standard version is less that 11 and the OS X SDK is greater that 10.7? These flags should not be passed. This will enable SimpleITK to set the flag as need.

While SimpleITK could manipulate the CMAKE_CXX_STANARD flag for this case, because older cmake’s try_compile does not respect this option it would yield inconsistent and trouble prone behavior. There are a lot of factors that effect this situation… I’ll have to think about it further…

Compiling ITK with C++98 while compiling SimpleITK C++11, is not ideal, but all the tests seem to pass for the wrapping. The problem may be if SimpleITK C++ interface is used with this mixed standard configuration.