However, a problem occurred to me before uploading this .json file. In fact, the building process (I followed the steps in the Slicer documentation) did not create a .json file but the old .s4ext text file.
I manually created the .json file to upload to the Slicer Extension Index.
How can I update the build folder to automatically generate the .json file? I believe that is the problem to CDash build error…
Note: A strange thing happens to another Slicer Extension (Brain Volume Refinement) that does all the building process normally, but it has the same building instructions (as far as I know). Hence, the .json file was not the problem here…
As an additional test, I made a brand new Slicer Extension (using the Extension Wizard module) to verify whether the Slicer 5.x version had updated the Extension creation from the previous Slicer 4.x extension pattern (which is the most cases for my previous Slicer extensions codes).
However, after the build had been done (as given at Extensions — 3D Slicer documentation), the exported file is still a .s4ext text file, and I did not found a .json instead.
I was trying to understand the Extension Description file writing process through the Slicer code, but I confess that it was a bit confusing to me…
I have compared the git tag 5.6 (which is the stable version at the moment) to the main code, however the script is already updated to json in the most recent commit. See the line of code (comparing the tag 5.6 and main)
What is a possible adjustment in this case? In my understanding, the Slicer stable version (5.6 and below) has the old .s4ext format as default. Then, after commit437e338 the new json file structure is introduced, which is the case for the slicer preview building process.
How can I give a different building procedure on each slicer preview and slicer stable stages?
I am sorry for the long explanation, but I am puzzled about how to help here…