Configuration of the 3D Slicer DICOM Listener to Hospital CT

Operating system: Win 10
Slicer version: 4.10.2
Expected behavior: a dialog with accessible port configurations
Actual behavior: none found

Beyond the ‘Start Listener’ button in the DICOM module, I cannot configure the listener such that datasets can be pushed to my PC from the the hospital CT scanner (same LAN).

Hi -

It’s a little buried, but the listener configuration (Storage Port and Storage AETITLE) is in the Query dialog. Set them and then they are used when you start the listener. If you enter those values in your modality it should be able to push to Slicer.



Thanks Steve,

I know this thread was referenced elsewhere… if others had similar lingering questions, I wanted to follow-up with what helped me:

This very well written python implementation of the dcmtk library helped sooooo much! I’m still working my way through connectivity to my hospital ct- but I no longer feel lost, wandering in the dark. Cheers!


That’s great Amy. Thanks for the link to the pynetdicom docs. Agreed, that’s a good way to go and maybe we should make use of that in Slicer somehow. The current Slicer implementation is based on dcmtk, which is also great, but can be a challenge to use. The python implementation could be a lot more flexible.

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