I am trying to convert some tractography data from .tck to .vtk format. But I can’t get the correct results that match the image loaded in slicer. I’m not very familiar to vtk files and
slicer so I’m seeking for help. Here’s the efforts I’ve tried:
tckconvert -scanner2image
Mrtrix provides a command to realize it. TCK files are in world coordinates and
means changing it to image coordinates(in mm). Then load vtk asmodels
with explicitly setcoordinate system
as RAS. But the problems are:
- Anterior and Posterior of the image volume seems wrong as you can see in Fig.1.
- Tracts(yellow) are above the back right of the image volume.
tckconvert -scanner2voxel
, where2voxel
means changing it to voxel coordinates. Also load vtk asmodels
with explicitly setcoordinate system
as RAS. Now :
- Tracts(blue) are smaller than it should be.
- different location from tracts(yellow).
- python vtk package:
reference here In reference, a TRK file was loaded and converted,here I replaced with a TCK file.
- Tracts(green) is in the back of the volume

- python vtk package:I tried to move original coordination in voxel coordinates randomly ( maybe change RAS to LAS, and move tracts backward a little?
is a number I test to match, really painful…) As the same, load it as RAS system.
Tracts(red) seems flipped over in A-P direction
If I set image as centered when loading image volume, suddenly the tracts(red) can match the volume. However, I still don’t understand the rationale.
It took me a long time try to figure it out, but I failed… My goal is to convert my tractography to vtk format, then I can use WhiteMatterAnalysis for parcellation. And I want to know:
- Which coordinate system 3D slicer uses to load and display a nifiti image?
- Which coordinate system VTK file could receive ?
- Which coordinate system should I choose when sending a VTK file as a
? And what about asFiberbundles
Anyone’ help will be very much appreciated!
Operating system: Ubuntu
Slicer version: 5.0.3