Converting .dcm to .nii.gz


I am new to Slicer and am trying to convert dicom to nifti files for my project. The only method I have found is SlicerBatchAnonymize. At least one extension I will be using has problems reported with dicom files compared to nifti.

Unfortunately, I get the following errors whenever I try to use it:
2023-11-18 21:04:19.422 Slicer[5291:255759] +[CATransaction synchronize] called within transaction

2023-11-18 21:04:19.660 Slicer[5291:255759] +[CATransaction synchronize] called within transaction
2023-11-18 21:04:25.089 Slicer[5291:255759] +[CATransaction synchronize] called within transaction

2023-11-18 21:04:25.242 Slicer[5291:255759] +[CATransaction synchronize] called within transaction
E: DcmElement: CommandField (0000,0100) larger (828667202) than remaining bytes in file
Export aborted: time data ‘N/A’ does not match format ‘%Y%m%d’

Does anyone know of an alternative extension/method to convert the files?

Yes, just import the DICOM file via the DICOM manager. Then go to the “Data” module and right click the volume that you want to export as NRRD file.
Select “Export to file…”