I have a trasform file and I want to apply this transform to a volumetric mesh which is in vtk unstructured grid format.
I first load the mesh in RAS format and then apply the transformation and save to the disk using following script.
ref_mesh_path = './MCR.vtk'
transform_file_path = "./LinearTransform_scan_1.h5"
[success, transform] = slicer.util.loadTransform(transform_file_path, returnNode=True)
ref_mesh = slicer.modules.models.logic().AddModel(ref_mesh_path, slicer.vtkMRMLStorageNode.CoordinateSystemRAS)
slicer.util.saveNode(ref_mesh, './MCR_temp_scan_1.vtk')
However, when I compare the saved file with the original mesh coodiantes, I realised that the sign of the first two coordinates are inverted.
How can I save the transformed mesh without having this problem?
After applying the transformation, I believe all I need to do is switch to LPS and save the file again. How do I go about doing this?
I’d appreciate any code or assistance.