Operating system: Mac OS
Slicer version: 5.2.2
Expected behavior: Load DICOM series as a scalar volume
Actual behavior: Does’nt load anything
So I have a MRI DWI dicom series for which a mask was created (saved as a DICOM series) using HOROS, so I only have these exported series, not the original ones. They seem to load without any problem in Horos. I would like to load the series and the mask in slicer, but it keeps throwing errors. From previous posts that were comparable I tried to install the extensions SlicerDMRI and SlicerDcm2nii but it doesn’t solve the problem, just adds more lines of failed attempts to the error. I tried loading it outside the DCM reader, this was unsuccessful. I tried the DICOM patcher, didn’t work.
The error as a pop-up: Could not load: 100: FU DWI as a Scalar Volume
And in the python console:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/Applications/Slicer.app/Contents/Extensions-31382/SlicerDcm2nii/lib/Slicer-5.2/qt-scripted-modules/Dcm2niixPlugin.py”, line 119, in examineFiles
raise CalledProcessError(retcode, proc.args, output=proc.stdout, stderr=proc.stderr)
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command ‘[’/Applications/Slicer.app/Contents/Extensions-31382/SlicerDcm2nii/lib/Slicer-5.2/qt-scripted-modules/Resources/bin/dcm2niix’, ‘-n’, ‘-1’, ‘-s’, ‘y’, ‘-f’, ‘%p_%t_%s’, ‘-i’, ‘y’, ‘-o’, ‘/private/var/folders/4q/3ch44qxj07x_zvqj8yp635nc0000gn/T/Slicer-username/tmp5vfeq8vm’, ‘/private/var/folders/4q/3ch44qxj07x_zvqj8yp635nc0000gn/T/Slicer-username/tmp5vfeq8vm/input-dicom-files.txt’]’ returned non-zero exit status 1.
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/Applications/Slicer.app/Contents/lib/Slicer-5.2/qt-scripted-modules/DICOMLib/DICOMUtils.py”, line 748, in getLoadablesFromFileLists
loadablesByPlugin[plugin] = plugin.examine(fileLists)
File “/Applications/Slicer.app/Contents/Extensions-31382/SlicerDcm2nii/lib/Slicer-5.2/qt-scripted-modules/Dcm2niixPlugin.py”, line 29, in examine
loadables += self.examineFiles(files)
File “/Applications/Slicer.app/Contents/Extensions-31382/SlicerDcm2nii/lib/Slicer-5.2/qt-scripted-modules/Dcm2niixPlugin.py”, line 121, in examineFiles
logging.debug(“Failed to examine files using dcm2niix: {0}”.format(e.message))
AttributeError: ‘CalledProcessError’ object has no attribute ‘message’
[Python] DICOM Plugin failed: ‘CalledProcessError’ object has no attribute ‘message’
[VTK] Unhandled PixelFormat: SamplesPerPixel :1
[VTK] BitsAllocated :15
[VTK] BitsStored :15
[VTK] HighBit :14
[VTK] PixelRepresentation:1
[VTK] ScalarType found :UNKNOWN
[VTK] Algorithm vtkITKArchetypeImageSeriesScalarReader(0x7fccd2f0fe30) returned failure for request: vtkInformation (0x6000037c2d80)
[VTK] Debug: Off
[VTK] Modified Time: 238615
[VTK] Reference Count: 1
[VTK] Registered Events: (none)
[Python] Could not read scalar volume using GDCM approach. Error is: FileFormatError
[VTK] Unhandled PixelFormat: SamplesPerPixel :1
[VTK] BitsAllocated :15
[VTK] BitsStored :15
[VTK] HighBit :14
[VTK] PixelRepresentation:1
[VTK] ScalarType found :UNKNOWN
[VTK] Algorithm vtkITKArchetypeImageSeriesScalarReader(0x7fcd155b3680) returned failure for request: vtkInformation (0x6000034f8f00)
[VTK] Debug: Off
[VTK] Modified Time: 238710
[VTK] Reference Count: 1
[VTK] Registered Events: (none)
[Python] Could not read scalar volume using DCMTK approach. Error is: FileFormatError
[Python] Could not load: 100: FU DWI as a Scalar Volume
The metadata:
[0008,0005] | SpecificCharacterSet | ISO_IR 100 | CS | 10 |
[0008,0008] | ImageType | ORIGINAL | CS | 8 |
[0008,0016] | SOPClassUID | 1.2.840.10008. | UI | 26 |
[0008,0018] | SOPInstanceUID | 1.2.826.0.1.3680043.8.498.38959781551086868487592517682093160443 | UI | 64 |
[0008,0020] | StudyDate | 20010101 | DA | 8 |
[0008,0021] | SeriesDate | 20010101 | DA | 8 |
[0008,0022] | AcquisitionDate | 20010101 | DA | 8 |
[0008,0030] | StudyTime | 120000 | TM | 6 |
[0008,0031] | SeriesTime | 120000 | TM | 6 |
[0008,0032] | AcquisitionTime | 120000 | TM | 6 |
[0008,0050] | AccessionNumber | 0 | SH | 2 |
[0008,0060] | Modality | MR | CS | 2 |
[0008,0070] | Manufacturer | StrokeCenter | LO | 20 |
[0008,1030] | StudyDescription | FU DWI | LO | 6 |
[0008,103e] | SeriesDescription | FU DWI | LO | 6 |
[0010,0010] | PatientName | UHL071 | PN | 6 |
[0010,0020] | PatientID | UHL071 | LO | 6 |
[0010,0030] | PatientBirthDate | 20010101 | DA | 8 |
[0010,0040] | PatientSex | M | CS | 2 |
[0018,0020] | ScanningSequence | RM | CS | 2 |
[0018,0021] | SequenceVariant | NONE | CS | 4 |
[0018,0050] | SliceThickness | DS | 0 | |
[0018,5100] | PatientPosition | HFS | CS | 4 |
[0020,000d] | StudyInstanceUID | 1.2.826.0.1.3680043.8.498.55099949773984100432982975104017035658 | UI | 64 |
[0020,000e] | SeriesInstanceUID | 1.2.826.0.1.3680043.8.498.75684090443619204850010177854450728722 | UI | 64 |
[0020,0011] | SeriesNumber | 100 | IS | 4 |
[0020,0013] | InstanceNumber | 38 | IS | 2 |
[0020,0032] | ImagePositionPatient | [3] -100.0, -100.0, 14.0 | DS | 18 |
[0020,0037] | ImageOrientationPatient | [6] 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 | DS | 24 |
[0020,0052] | FrameOfReferenceUID | 1.2.826.0.1.3680043.8.498.25150985547740653771167800120409132909 | UI | 64 |
[0028,0002] | SamplesPerPixel | 1 | US | 2 |
[0028,0004] | PhotometricInterpretation | MONOCHROME2 | CS | 12 |
[0028,0010] | Rows | 512 | US | 2 |
[0028,0011] | Columns | 512 | US | 2 |
[0028,0030] | PixelSpacing | [2] 0.44726562, 0.44726562 | DS | 22 |
[0028,0100] | BitsAllocated | 15 | US | 2 |
[0028,0101] | BitsStored | 15 | US | 2 |
[0028,0102] | HighBit | 16 | US | 2 |
[0028,0103] | PixelRepresentation | 1 | US | 2 |
[0028,1052] | RescaleIntercept | 0.0 | DS | 4 |
[0028,1053] | RescaleSlope | 1.0 | DS | 4 |
[7fe0,0010] | PixelData | 0000 | OW | 524288 |
I have an entire dataset with this same problem. Any suggestions?