DentalSegmentator for condyle segmentation?

@Gauthier thank you so much for this! Finally I can see my condyles in glorious 3D :smiley:

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Hello @crosswick !
Is this module also validated for condyle segmentation?
(Please, give the reference of the published article .)

Hello @hortakc

Thank you for your interest in our work.

So far we haven’t studied specific anatomical parts, only the whole segmentation results. The publication is here: DentalSegmentator: robust open source deep learning-based CT and CBCT image segmentation (Journal of Dentistry).

From our experience though, the segmentation of the condyles is efficient in the vast majority of the cases !


Hello @Gauthier !
Thanks for the paper title, we are already studying it!

Does the extension require any specific computer configuration for excellent results?

For other segmentation modules, we are using NVidea 4060, 1TB and 64 MB of memory.

I really appreciate your time!

Hello @hortakc

The segmentation results should not impacted by the computer configuration. Only the time needed to process the scan can vary. Your configuration should be largely enough !

Please let us know how your tests go,
