In a custom module I would like to detect the deletion of an item to take appropriate action before its children gets deleted. I observed that the signal SubjectHierarchyItemAboutToBeRemovedEvent of the item is emitted after the deletion of the childrens. Is there a way to detect that the item will be deleted before its childrens ?
To reproduce:
- Load SampleData - Slicer Wiki MR-head.nrrd
- Create a segmentation
- In Data module, drag and drop segmentation on MR-head volume (to have segementation as children of MR-head)
- Observe event with the following python snippet:
def onShItemAboutToBeRemoved(caller, event, removedItem):
removedNode = shNode.GetItemDataNode(removedItem) if removedItem else None
if removedNode is not None and removedNode.IsA('vtkMRMLNode'):
print("About to remove node = ", removedNode.GetName())
shNode.AddObserver(shNode.SubjectHierarchyItemAboutToBeRemovedEvent, onShItemAboutToBeRemoved)
Delete MR-head
About to remove node = Segmentation
About to remove node = MR-head