DWI loading from DICOM

I’ve tried DWIConvert. On the DICOM DVD I had my data in 7 subfolders.

  • When I specified the parent folder, the import failed (no files in the parent folder).
  • Then I copied all files into a single folder and tried to import that. I got LoadFromDisk not relevant error.
  • After that I tried each of the 7 directories one by one. Import failed with the same message as above (LoadFromDisk not relevant).
Diffusion-weighted DICOM Import (DWIConvert) standard error:

Exception creating converter 
itk::ExceptionObject (00000070D358D430)
Location: "unknown" 
File: D:\D\P\Slicer-481-package\BRAINSTools\DWIConvert\GenericDWIConverter.cxx
Line: 13
Description: itk::ERROR:  LoadFromDisk not relevant

These may be all user errors, I just could not figure out how to use this module.

Fortunately, this data set was anonymized and made available publicly, so you can try to import it, too: https://1drv.ms/f/s!Arm_AFxB9yqHsOArBhZiJ2HPqRA9Cg