Error when saving .nrrd files

Os - Mac sequoia 15
Slicer version - most current
File types - Dicom loaded
Expected behavior - saving volume renders in the .nrrd file format
Actual behavior - receiving error status only on the volume renders that I am saving as .nrrd files.

The volumes I am trying to save is the full volume render of my specimen (a bird skull w pith first three cervical vertebrae) and a cropped volume of just the beak.

My dicom files are uploaded to slicer from an external hard drive and I am trying to save these new volumes to the same external hard drive

I have tried this on a windows 11 os and still get the same error.

Attached is a photo of my slicer instance with the save error and files highlighted.

Can you try clicking on the red icon with the X by the filename? I believe that gives you more detail about the error.