Error with DWmodeling

Operating system:win 10
Slicer version:3Dslicer 4.11.0 2019-1-12
Thank you @fedorov, i managed to get ADC maps using DWI data from Philips, but it appeared to be “completed with error”.
i had 40 dicom images contain 2 b-value(0,1000) for each slice of the brain. they were transfered into 2 nrrd file depended on b-value using 3dslicer, and were imported by multivolumeimporter
then i use DWmodeling as below
i wonder why it went wrong?
in addition, if anything should be change in “Initialization”?

Please expand the error log (the button to the right from the “Status” message, and post the error here.

About initialization, if you are not getting satisfactory fitting results, changing initialization might help, but I don’t have a good suggestion on the strategy of how those parameters should be adjusted. You will need to experiment with it. But in many cases this is not required.

Thank you @fedorov.
the error log has been expanded and it was empty.
but i found this after imported the data