the following shows up in the python interactor and I cannot use the extension from there, only through the GUI. I´m using the latest stable release
Failed to load vtkSlicerCrossSectionAnalysisModuleLogicPython: No module named vtkSlicerShapeModuleMRMLPython
Failed to load vtkSlicerStenosisMeasurement3DModuleLogicPython: No module named vtkSlicerShapeModuleMRMLPython
[Qt] Error(s):
[Qt] CLI executable: C:/Users/User/AppData/Local/ 5.6.1/
[Qt] The process failed to start. Either the invoked program is missing, or you may have insufficient permissions to invoke the program.
[Qt] Fail to instantiate module “vtkvmtk”
[Qt] The following modules failed to be instantiated:
[Qt] vtkvmtk