Extension Wizard Cannot Load module on Mac

Hi, I encountered a problem where if these lines are included in the code, the module cannot be loaded through extension wizard:

            # Check if binary labelmap is valid
            if binary_labelmap.GetNumberOfPoints() > 0:
                # Count the non-zero voxels in the binary labelmap
                volume_pixels = 0
                data = vtk.util.numpy_support.vtk_to_numpy(binary_labelmap.GetPointData().GetScalars())
                volume_pixels = (data > 0).sum()

                # Assuming you know the spacing of the labelmap to convert to volume in cm³
                spacing = binary_labelmap.GetSpacing()
                volume_cm3 = volume_pixels * spacing[0] * spacing[1] * spacing[2] / 1000.0  # Convert mm³ to cm³

                # Get the segment name
                segment_name = segmentation.GetSegment(segment_id).GetName()
                segment_volumes[segment_id] = (segment_name, volume_cm3)
                total_volume += volume_cm3

                print(f"{segment_name} volume = {volume_cm3:.3f} cm³, {volume_cm3}")

After I press select extension and select the correct folder, the extension editor shows the files in the directory, but I don’t get a popup for adding modules.

I have tested with ARM and Intel Macs and both had the same issues, however it worked fine on windows devices.

The only way I found to add the module is by deleting these lines, and the problem persists if they are only commented out.

Thanks in advance for any help!

Hard to say for sure, but I’d get rid of these superscripts and use a convention like mm^3 (i.e. all ascii).

Unfortunately the problem is still there after I deleted all non-ASCII characters :frowning:

Maybe characters in the file path?

That fixed it, thanks!