Facing issue with using Volume Rendering

Operating System: Windows
Slicer version: 5.2.2

Hello Everyone,

I am new to 3D Slicer. I am trying to obtain an ROI by using crop function of volume rendering. Whenever I click the show volume button, the 3D object appears outside the cubical frame box. I used center view feature as well but nothing changes. Further, when I click the enable button or Display ROI button for cropping purpose, the 3D object totally disappears. What is the issue and how can I rectify it? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Following are other details:
Preset: CT-Coronary-Arteries-3
Rendering: VTK GPU Ray Casting

Most likely your volume is under a non-linear transform because it was loaded from a DICOM series that required regularization (tilted-gantry acquisition, missing slices, etc). Volume rendering ignores non-linear transform (in current Slicer version, we disable volume rendering in this case to avoid confusion).

You can harden the transform on the volume to avoid all the other unexpected behavior you described.

Hardening the transform worked. Thank you for your help.

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NOTE: Support for regularization transform hardening in DICOM Scalar plugin has been added. See link.