Failure to load rodent DWI data

I am trying to load diffusion weighted images into Slicer. These are mouse images acquired on a Bruker 7T. When I try to load the DICOM images using the “import DICOM files” function this is what happens:

I tried using the DWI converter and received the following error:

Diffusion-weighted DICOM Import (DWIConvert) standard error:

Exception creating converter

itk::ExceptionObject (00000003AFAFD9A0)

Location: “unknown”

File: D:\D\S\Slicer-0-build\BRAINSTools\DWIConvert\GenericDWIConverter.cxx

Line: 13

Description: itk::ERROR: LoadFromDisk not relevant

I also asked the MRI technician to provide the files in NIfTI format.

She provided one version where the data was represented by a single file: this is what I get when I try to load it:

Another version included many different .nii files; when I try to load these as a batch nothing happens.

As you probably know DWI data formats, particularly from research scanners, are complex and highly variable. Probably your best bet is to try dcm2nii either directly or with SlicerDMRI (SlicerDcm2nii)