Fiducial Registration wizard

Operating system: Windows 10
Slicer version: 4.9.0


I have some query regarding “Fidutial Registration wizard”.

I am using the ‘fiducial registration wizard’ module transform type “rigid” and “Similarity" Registration for my master thesis. I need some extra information about it:

  1. Is the registration algorithm ICP method? or what is the mathematical model?
  2. How can I quantify or compare the performance of registration by this module?
  3. Does exist a way to calculate an error after the registration (for qualitative assessment and visualization options)?


Hi Thomas,

I am assuming you are referring to the the Fiducial Registration Module in SlicerIGT.

  1. Is the registration algorithm ICP method? or what is the mathematical model?

This module uses vtkIterativeClosestPointTransform

  1. How can I quantify or compare the performance of registration by this module?

The module returns RMS error.

  1. Does exist a way to calculate an error after the registration (for qualitative assessment and visualization options)?

You can use Checkerboard or subtract image modules to evaluate the registration visually.


Thank you very much.

Note that ICP is only used as an optional pre-processing step for automatic matching of out-of-order or missing points. Transform is computed using vtkLandmarkTransform class:

vtkLandmarkTransform class implements Horn’s method:

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Thank you very much.