Fractal 3D Tree (a Recursive Exercise)

Just kidding…

This type synthetic data could be useful for algorithm testing. Just out of curiosity, how did you generate it? Did you use 3D Slicer for the generation?

用python代码, 点到点产生棱柱, 继而以棱柱末端的点(这里是三棱柱-三个点)为起点, 以一定方向和距离再做棱柱, 如此递归…做了6层(3**6), 末端的棱柱中点插入mark点, , ,

完成6层递归(产生将近1000个圆柱和728个markups点), 要花费20多分钟…

Use python code in Slicer : generate a cylinder(vtkcylindersource) from point to point at first, and then use those points at the end of the cylinder (here is a triangular prism - three points) as starting points, and then make other cylinders in a certain direction and distance, so recursive Six layers (3 * * 6) are made, and the midpoints of the cylinders at the end is inserted into the MarkupsFiducial.

It takes more than 20 minutes to complete 6 layers of recursion (generating nearly 1000 cylinders and 728 markups points)…

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