Functionality of Automatic Threshold Calculator

Hello, I was looking at this example:Automatic endocranium segmentation from dry bone CT scan · GitHub
I am interested in knowing how it computes the bone threshold automatically. I am trying to segment bone. Can this be used on any data?

It is in line 10 of the code (Otsu threshold method).
There are many different types of automatic threshold calculation methods. Each with different assumption about the intensity distribution and/or how they model the data. You can interactively try one after the other and see which works best for your data.

okay, thanks. Where can I find these?

segment editor → Threshold effect ->Automatic threshold

I’ve created this script before SurfaceWrapSolidify extension existed. I would now recommend to use SurfaceWrapSolidify extension for automatic extraction of cavities inside a segmented bone, as it is more flexible, more robust, and more accurate. See detailed description here.