GetPlaneCornerPoints function and vtkPoints Class


I am interested in calling the RAS coordinates of the corners of markup planes after they have been created and rotated. I checked the api docs and found that the vtkMRMLMarkupsPlaneNode class has a GetPlaneCornerPoints function that takes in a vtkPoints object, but I did not see anything in the docs about the vtkPoints object. Is there a way I can get the plane corner points easily and is there any other info on the vtkPoints object?


I was able to find a solution. I found the vtkPoints class in the vtk api documentation. Here is how I solved my issue.

from vtkmodules.util.numpy_support import vtk_to_numpy

#create instance of plane markup class
plane = getNode('Name_of_Plane_Markup')

#create instance of vtkPoints
points = vtk.vtkPoints()


corner_points = vtk_to_numpy(points.GetData())