Getting files with different size in Python and GUI using the same decimation method

Hello, everyone.

In order to use the decimation method, we call the method:

segmentation.SetConversionParameter("Decimation factor", "0.90")

My question is: by default, this method implements the DecimatePro algorithm or the new Quadric/FastQuadric ones? If not, then how can I call it using python to select which one I want to use (such as the “Boundary Deletion” checkbox in the GUI version).

For context purpouse, when I use the decimate by GUI I get an OBJ file with 200MB size and when I use python scripts with CLI I get an OBJ with 1GB with this decimate method from segmentation module. I’m trying to figure out why there is this difference.

You can have a look at what the GUI does and do the same in your script:

Thank you very much. I’ve managed to finally decrease the size of the models using this approach.

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