GPA issue with factor

Dear all, I am facing a recurrent bug with the factor option in the PCA Scatter Plot options in the module alpaca.
It s a linux version on calculation server but usually, the first time I am running slicer, I manage to create the factor and the PCA gets displayed properly.
Second time round, it s nothing else than temperamental. Clicking everywhere many times sometimes eventually results in success. It’s very odd.
Is there any issues that are know with the factor option ?

First what’s the version of the Slicer you are working with? Is it the latest stable (5.6.2)

The factor you have to define each time from scratch if you are rerunning the analysis. So if you run the GPA a second time, you still should enter the factor table entries. We are in the process of changing this, and making covariate entry as part of the input to analysis.

Dear Murat,
thanks for your reply.
I’m using 5.6.1 so will reinstall the latest.
When I reset everything without restarting the software, I still have troubles though. Good news you are working on this.
Many thanks