Operating system: Windows11 pro
Slicer version: 5.4
Expected behavior:
Actual behavior:
Hi all
I am very new to all this, and Slicer was the only tool I found online for Windows. I know very well the neuropathology of rodents but have never worked with imaging or anything related to radiology as of now. I have two sets of data, PET and MR, from the same mice in a day (4 mice scanned in one session), but mice obviously moved for PET, so now I like to register PET to MR images, but sort of lost from the beginning. I converted the PET folder to an nii file that seems to be being opened more smoothly in the software but I face errors entering my MR data folder into the software(Images are not equally spaced …)
If I ignore this message when I get to put landmarks on the image for fucidial registration, nothing happens or at least I am not sure doing it right. PET images seem to be way larger than MR, and at the end of the day, tweaking options didn’t help with a neat overlap of PET to MR in a very short time. I wish SB working a lot on rodent help with a visual step-by-step guide. I really appreciate any help! Blessings!