How can I configure Slicer to open automatically with my preferred settings for the View Controllers module?

So then from your comments and the documentation at Segment editor — 3D Slicer documentation I think I understand now.

  • Each Segmentation must be associated with a Volume (providing radiodensity) and a Geometry (providing the grid) at any given moment.
  • The Geometry of the Segmentation can be identical to the geometry of its Master Volume, or it can be a modified version of that (e.g. forced to be isotropic), or it can be based on a totally different source (possibly a Volume, with prespecified geometry, or perhaps a ROI with a customisable user-specified geometry).
  • From time to time the Volume and/or Geometry on which a Segmentation is based can be changed.

Thank-you, Andras, I appreciate your advice, and will be aware of the benefits of applying isotropic sampling in future. I had avoided this until now because I naïvely assumed that applying more transformations would likely introduce more artefacts!
I am glad to hear that cropping the volume is considered an efficient approach — at least for my purposes, where the individual features of interest might occupy less than 1% of the whole original scan volume.