How can I configure Slicer to open automatically with my preferred settings for the View Controllers module?

Hello, Andras.
From your cited discussion I found:

So this is interesting for two reasons.
Firstly, I am mainly interested in this for segmentation.
Secondly, I am not sure of what is being used to define the grid of a segment if not the grid of a scalar volume.

On the latter point, so far I had found the segments (e.g. from the Threshold effect) rather jagged for small features, so recently I have been creating new scaled cropped volumes from these small objects (through the Crop Volume module, with Spacing scale set to, say, 0.50x or 0.20x and with the Interpolator set to “B-spline”).
So I suspect — correct me if I’m wrong — that this would avoid some of the staircase issues you’re talking about, because interpolation is still performed somewhere along the way.
On the other hand, perhaps I’m overlooking a clever feature in Slicer whereby I can use a refined grid for the segment, different from any extant volume??