How Can I debug the Module and create the personally Module?

That’s fine, it does not matter which files you see in the project tree in Visual Studio. You can load any of the .cxx files add breakpoints in them, and execution will stop at the breakpoints.

oh…Thanks I understand you comment.
and I have another question…
Ex) in mymoudle.sln build -tree.
What’s the difference between the two?
2. What should I do when I want to add ui that comes out of Slicker’s moudle’s ui by pressing the arrow below?
3. Is there a separate example of using Slicer’s MRML node in Visual Studio? (Sorry for asking this question because I couldn’t find the case for c++)
Is it necessary to modify and develop the logic in the module according to the case of c++?

In the code, do member variables like vtkMRML need to be hard-coded separately from ui?
After the ui design, do you tend to directly add files to the functions suitable for ui and implement class constructors and extinction, and other member function member variables? Or is it possible to connect it directly from ui and write it in Visual Studio?

I don’t understand these questions. I would suggest to follow practices that are used in all the Slicer modules and modules of larger extensions, such as SlicerRT and SlicerIGT.